Monday, October 15, 2007


Fuck buds

Neither Tom and Jerry, Bugs and Daffy, Lenny and Carl, or any other male couple in popular culture effectively represents the bond between two fuck buddies. Two men who are into each other sexually, respect each other on a social level, and have a good time together.

I’ve had a few fuck buds over the years. There was a succession of them, actually. There were the repeat guys I met at the rest stops and parks. Lots of those guys back then were married, like myself. The ones who were fuck buds were more than quickies. We wouldn’t just have sex, we would talk. Some of these relationships lasted two or three months, some lasted many years. Some were a little twisted, like the guy who drove a Coupe DeVille to the local softball fields and propped his size 12 pumps on the dashboard for those who were interested. It wasn’t his shoes, but his gently graying, well groomed façade, a Midwestern version of Ricardo Montalban, that led me to his car. But I digress.

Eventually, I learned, they all end. And that’s perhaps the roughest part of having one. How do you balance the need for good sex with the need for everything else in life? Good sex often takes the back seat (and not in a good way).

It seems the key to a long term relationship with a bud; however, always hinges on a few key areas.

1. a shared level of sexual intensity
2. some level of common interests
3. able to be honest about the relationship
4. able to respect the importance of keeping other commitments

Hmm, sounds a lot like a bf, minus the dating.

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