Just a random chat from one of the sites: Welcome to how to spend a cold, winter night.
allspaw: Hi Marlin, theres a lot of hate in the
chat tonight...sure you want to be in
here? lol
maloon: i never pay attention to it. rarely
talk there
allspaw: good thinking.
maloon: bunch of little boys
allspaw: I know.
maloon: have a good weekend?
allspaw: yes...I started a painting
project...still have a ways to go but it
looks great.
maloon: ah, in the house?
maloon: or art
allspaw: house...all the moulding in the LR
and a couple of doors.
allspaw: Nothing is original to the house or I
wouldn't do it
allspaw: I'm not an artsy guy so no
maloon: ah. never know
allspaw: Yeah I suppose I could be creative
just as much as another.
maloon: your're right
allspaw: what does maloon mean?
maloon: old nickname, kind of a joke. and
allspaw: Marlin = Maloon..........I can see
that. allspaw is what I came up with
for a personalized lisence plate years
ago...my last name had too many
letters so I came up with this...its how
my last name is pronounced but not
maloon: ah. you ever see the one that was
maloon: for a license plate?
allspaw: no I haven't
maloon: yes, a guy, on here had that
allspaw: surprised the state would make it
maloon: they finally asked for it, said it was
reported as "obscene"
allspaw: lol
maloon: all true
allspaw: I believe you...I wouldn't have the
balls to ask for one like that
maloon: it was fun to see
maloon: I say hello at the bar once in a
while to him.
allspaw: appears to be a nice looking man.
What is your type?
maloon: hard to say, really,
maloon: prefer them smart, funny, warm,
can cook, clean, etc. employed,
maloon: the list goes on I guess, but it
includes enjoying each other's
allspaw: sure...good things to look for.
allspaw: the last one I'd say is very
maloon: yes. after the sex. lol
allspaw: lol very much so
maloon: and that's hard to do long term
maloon: requires more than sticking your
dick out, it's sticking your heart out
there, too.