Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Watching the Detectives

Well, I guess I'm on notice. Or else I'm getting paranoid.

The ENDA post of a few days ago has gotten someone's look in Washington DC. If you track back, you'll see that I asked readers to contact their congressperson to check on their vote. I checked mine, and found out Vern Ehlers voted against it. No real suprise there, Vern is a
Republican and party-line kind of guy.

But, the reason I'm paranoid is that one of the addresses on the sitemap was from the house.gov address. I wonder who it was?

Somebody's watching me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm watching you, but I'm not from the government. The house.gov entry could be from Frank from Out of the Ashes. He works for the government.